Monday, October 17, 2011

Only Wanna Give it to You

When I first heard this song on the radio I thought it was Chrisette Michelle. But then I did some research and realized it was Elle Varner. Man I have a girl crush on her. I love that hair and her colorful style. Not to mention if I mistake you for Chrisette you must have some type of voice.
She's performing at Howard's Yard fest this Friday so It will be cool to see how well of a live performer she is. Until then here's the video for "Only Wanna Give it to You".


P.S...I had no idea that this was her! I saw this agggges ago and thought this little girl was a beast and so cute. (she's 10 days younger than me o_O) NO idea she was a real celebrity. Yea I'm playing games..and I need to step this music career all the way UP!

1 comment:

  1. She's my new fav the way you won my giveaway emailing you now!!! Great post
